• Integrated Pastoral Care

    at Fairholme


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Pastoral Care at Fairholme

Nurturing individuals as unique and valued members of our community is our primary objective; the effective and integrated pastoral care at Fairholme College enables our students to be effective learners and contributors.

Pastoral care remains a focus at every step. It exists in our classrooms, corridors and at sporting matches, through our restorative approach to conflict resolution, in our worship and the respectful way we treat one another each day.

Pastoral care underpins all practices within the Fairholme com­munity and finds foundation in our values of Christ-Centred Faith and Respect; it encourages the de­velopment of honesty, integrity and a high standard of personal demeanour. Our aim is to nurture a culture which is inclusive and one that encourages positive connections and thus a sense of belong­ing; this supports the girls as they pursue passions, negotiate challenges and navigate their world.

College Houses

Everyone at Fairholme belongs to one of four Houses – Black, Cameron, Powell and Stephens. While each staff member at Fairholme is a care-giver, the Holme Group Teacher has a special role. They lead a small group from one of the Houses and meet with students in their Holme Group daily, at which time they worship together, celebrate, enjoy activities and support one another.

In Years 7 – 12, where a vertical system exists, students remain with the same Holme Group and Teacher for the three years of each sub-school, eg. girls will be in Middle Stephens 3 and then Senior Stephens 3. Our approach places emphasis on the development of this small unit of care within the broader school context. Activities undertaken in the Holme Group or House setting are aimed at nur­turing positive relationships and involve a variety of collaborative projects.

Staff work collaboratively, sensitively and respectfully in their care of the girls. Staff who are key to leading pastoral and academic care meet regularly to ensure best practice.

See the College House System »


Holme Group staff work closely with Heads of House and Assistant Heads of House, Heads of Middle & Senior School, Wellbeing Coaches, the Head of Ministry & Mission and Boarding staff, where ap­propriate.

Should concerns of a pastoral nature evolve for a student, family contact with the Holme Group Teacher, in the first instance, will help to address the situation.

Classroom or academic matters are best managed with the class teacher initially, or via Heads of De­partment or the Head of Teaching & Learning.

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